Agreement with EHFA

February 25, 2013

EHFA Standards Council gives its approval for courses of the eLearning Fitness Project (eLF)

The eLearning Fitness Project (eLF) has developed a European training system for elearning in fitness and covers a network of 19 core partners and 85 associated partners in 27 countries. The development process for the elearning contents was primarily accomplished by the involved training providers and based on the standards for level 3 (Fitness and Group Fitness Instructor) and level 4 (Personal Trainer) established by EHFA. With regard to the obtained EHFA accreditation of several participating training providers EHFA Standards Council has evaluated the structure, contents and aimed learning outcomes of the courses Fitness Instructor (EQF-level 3), Group Fitness Instructor (EQF-level 3) and Personal Trainer (EQF-level 4). Against the background of the facts that the relevant eLF courses are based on EHFA standards, that they have been developed by an interinstitutional cooperation and the involvement of EHFA accredited training providers within this cooperation EHFA Standards Council has decided to give its formal approval. Thus, all graduates of the mentioned eLF courses are formally entitled to be registered onto the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) after registration in the pilot National Directory of Fitness Instructors as this is one requirement of the eLF project. The EHFA Standards Council emphasizes that because of the interinstitutional approach the eLF project and its graduates have a one off and exceptional status within the European educational network for health and fitness. Finally, all parties look forward to a successful collaboration.



European Health & Fitness association (EHFA)


European Register of Exercise Professionals