WP2. Analysis state of the art and synthesis

Coordinator: CYQ, UK


to research, analyse and compare all information available on current elearning platforms for fitness and registers for exercise professionals and choose the most effective and user friendly methodologies, didactical materials and technological tools.


1) Technology platforms and standards: 1. Content Management Systems (CMS), intended to provide services for the whole project; 2. Learning Management System (LMS), that supports the core activities related to e-Learning. The series of SCORM standards will be the reference for this activity. 2) Fitness elearning platform: CYQ, FIAF and EOSE will lead the other partners. Together they will extrapolate the pertinent information for the creation of the European standard elearning platform (WP3 and 4). The research implemented outside the ELF consortium will be managed by EOSE due to their expertise in research on health and physical activity. While the research within the ELF consortium will be carried out by CYQ, Innopole and MEHFA who already have active elearning fitness platforms. 3) Exercise Register platform research and analysis: this activity will be headed by UK-Reps in virtue of its experience as the official UK register for over 7 years and will establish the methodology for the analysis and comparison of the registers. The standard national register platform will be based on the UK-Reps but will also take into consideration other European registers of exercise professionals such as those in Ireland (ILAM), Belgium (the Fitness Organisation), Germany (Qualicert) as well as the ability to link to EREPs, the European Register. On the basis of the outcomes of this part of the WP the pilot national register platform (WP3) will be created. The research performed in this WP will form the base upon which the project will be implemented. The monitoring and evaluation of the work undertaken within this WP will be covered in WP7 and disseminated in WP8.